
Helpful tips for using our store!

We have a new web store and we want to make sure it's super easy for you to use!

Below are a number of videos intended to make it easy for you to place an order.  As always, if you have any questions reach out to, we are here to help.

Login to your Account/Sign Up
You will need to Sign Up in the store if you haven't already. We need to make sure we have your delivery info and your payment info. Video

Get the produce and groceries you want each week!
It's super easy to set up a recurring order to make sure you get the groceries and produce you need each week. As always, you can change your recurring order, put it on hold and cancel at any time. Video

Edit a recurring order/Add to a recurring order
If you have a recurring order and want to add a few items to it, or change it in any way the best way to do that is through the Subscription function.  Here's a video on how to best do that.

Where did the custom boxes go?
It's important to us that you get the produce you will eat, food waste is a massive problem and we don't want to contribute to it! Unfortunately, the way our new software works makes it near impossible to make the custom boxes work (and trust us we tested many different options). So instead of having custom boxes we are encouraging you to add the produce items you want from our produce lists. Essentially allowing you the ability to create your own box without the additional $5 charge for doing so. Here's a video on how to do this.

Adding Delivery Instructions to your Order
Make sure our drivers know where to go, add delivery instructions. Here's a video on where to add them!

Don't forget to check out!
In our new store you must check out to get your order. Watch this video to see how.

 If you still have questions feel free to reach out, we are here to help!